FlyBase needs help with some aberrations

Date: 8 Aug 2000

FlyBase has the following records of aberrations which are 'orphans', that is to say we have no reference or personal communication attached to them. Most of them were curated by Michael Ashburner before the start of the FlyBase project.

Many aberrations have been removed from our original 'orphan' list as a result of information from the community, but a few have been added because the only reference we originally had to them was found to be spurious.

Any help in verifying any of these, that is by the addition of a reference or personal communication, would be very greatly appreciated. The aberration symbols are in the *a lines. Synonyms are on *i lines.

Please mail any data corrections or updates to: In FlyBase, we will reference these as "Z. Bloggs, 2000, personal communication to FlyBase". Please note our policy that we will not correct or add data unless there is a written update submitted to us (on paper or in email record).

*a Ab(3R;h?)Chal3
*z FBab0010379
*B [];91C7
*C Translocation
*c Left limit of break 2 from complementation mapping against Cha (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Cha
*w Myers and Gelbart.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001605 == Chal3
*a Dana\In(3L)Cu
*z FBab0023462
*c 80B;81BC
*w Bogahawatta 82k5.
*o spontaneous
*A FBal0038250 == Dana\Cu1
*a Dana\T(Y;3)D
*z FBab0023553
*c Y;67D-68A.
*w Matsubayashi 90.
*o diepoxybutane
*R Arose as a single male from DEB treated @Dana\e@ @Dana\pi@ @Dana\Om(2D)63@ males mated to @Dana\e@ @Dana\pi@ @Dana\Om(2D)63@/NG2 females.
*S Dana\pe1 Dana\v1
*a Df(1)E17C
*z FBab0000382
*B 17B;17E
*C Deficiency
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << hdp-b << bk2
*o P-element activity
*R from &pgr;2 strain
*a Df(1)N-Yh77.2L
*z FBab0000589
*B [<3C2];[>3D5]
*C Deficiency
*c Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of w (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of dm (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << w << dm << bk2
*a Df(1)N-Yh77.2R
*z FBab0000590
*B [h26]
*C Deficiency
*c All limits from inclusion of bb (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << bb << bk2
*a Df(1)w17D2
*z FBab0028077
*B [<3C2];[>3C2]
*c All limits from inclusion of w (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << w << bk2
*a Df(1)w35A2
*z FBab0028078
*B [<3C2];[>3C2]
*c All limits from inclusion of w (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << w << bk2
*a Df(2L)el27
*z FBab0022227
*a Df(2L)P31
*z FBab0001509
*a Df(2R)C
*z FBab0001944
*B 41A-h41;h41-41F
*C Deficiency
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of rl (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of rl (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << rl << bk2
*a Df(3R)82
*z FBab0026865
*B 85A4-5;85A6-11
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of l(3)85Ad (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G l(3)85Ad << bk2
*a Df(3R)Cha6
*e Deficiency (3R) Choline Acetyltransferase
*z FBab0010179
*i Chal6
*B [<91D];[>91C7]
*C Deficiency
*c All limits from inclusion of Cha (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << l(3)91Cb << bk2
*w Myers and Gelbart.
*o &ggr; ray
*a Df(3R)Dl-Sp
*z FBab0002555
*B 91B;92A5-8
*C Deficiency
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Dl << bk2
*a Df(3R)M96A
*z FBab0028102
*B [<96A7];[>96A1]
*c All limits from inclusion of M(3)96A (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << M(3)96A << bk2
*a Df(3R)MSu2-LL
*z FBab0002614
*B [];[]
*C Deficiency
*G bk1 << Su(var)311 << bk2
*a Df(3R)Su(var)306
*z FBab0002652
*B [<88E1];[>88E]
*C Deficiency
*c All limits from inclusion of Su(var)3-9 (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Su(var)3-9 << bk2
*a Df(3R)UbxB203
*z FBab0010236
*B 89E1-2;89E3-4
*C Deficiency
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of Ubx (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Ubx << bk2
*w Bacher, Jan. 1966.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0017449 == UbxB203
*a Df(4)4
*z FBab0002951
*B >101;>101F1
*C Deficiency
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of RpS3A (citation unavailable)
*G RpS3A << bk2
*a Dp(1;1)A1
*z FBab0003030
*B 13E16-17;18A5-6
*C Tandem duplication
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a Dp(1;1)hdp12
*z FBab0003087
*i Dp(1;1)hdp-12
*B 12F;13E
*C Tandem duplication
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a Dp(1;1;1;1;1)w,126
*z FBab0003122
*B [3C];[3C]
*C Tandem duplication
*w E.B. Lewis.
*a Dp(1;1;1;1;1)w,144
*z FBab0003123
*B [3C];[3C]
*C Tandem duplication
*w E.B. Lewis.
*a Dp(2;1)wDZL
*z FBab0024597
*i FB{}wDZL
*w Bingham.
*o spontaneous
*A FBal0018236 == wDZL
*s A 6.5kb insertion of material from region 21 flanked by FB elements.
*a Dp(2;2)Cam8a
*z FBab0023776
*c duplicated for 36C;40
*w D. Gubb.
*o X ray
*O LS(2)D29
*O DS(2)CH9-25
*a In(1)br17
*z FBab0022608
*i l(1)N34
*B 2B6;4D6
*C Inversion
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001204 == br17
*a In(1)C202
*z FBab0010246
*B 7A2;10A5-4
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from complementation mapping against Hsp60 (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Hsp60
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0005927 == Hsp60C202
*a In(1)C62
*z FBab0010247
*B 7A1-4;12F
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Aa (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007121 == l(1)7Aa1
*a In(1)C85
*z FBab0010248
*B 4C13-14;7C5
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Cd (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)7Cd
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007246 == l(1)7Cd1
*a In(1)dlg13
*z FBab0010269
*i l(1)N17
*B 10B8;10D5-6
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against dlg1 (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits dlg1 << bk2
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0002672 == dlg13
*a In(1)fliK3
*z FBab0022612
*i l(1)A147
*B 9F9;20
*C Inversion
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0004060 == fliK3
*a In(1)fs(1)h14
*z FBab0010271
*B >7D5;20
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against fs(1)h (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G fs(1)h << bk1
*w Lefevre.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0004291 == fs(1)h14
*a In(1)fs(1)h9
*z FBab0010272
*B >7D5;18E5-F1
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against fs(1)h (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G fs(1)h << bk1
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0004286 == fs(1)h9
*a In(1)GA58
*z FBab0010249
*B 3C5;3E-3F;18A1-2
*C Bipartite inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007048 == l(1)3Ed1
*a In(1)GA83
*z FBab0010250
*B 7A1;7B3
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa << bk2 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001972 == ctGA83
*A FBal0007124 == l(1)7Aa4
*a In(1)GE219
*z FBab0010251
*B 7C6;18A
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Ce
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007247 == l(1)7Ce1
*a In(1)GE253
*z FBab0010252
*B 7B3;7E1-F1
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001974 == ctGE253
*a In(1)HA68
*z FBab0010253
*B 6F;10B2
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)6Fc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007120 == l(1)6Fc1
*a In(1)HA79
*z FBab0010254
*B [];7B3
*C Inversion
*c All limits from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001976 == ctHA79
*a In(1)HC265
*z FBab0010255
*B 1A2-3;7B3
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001978 == ctHC265
*a In(1)HF302
*z FBab0010256
*B 7A6-8;12E
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)air7 (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)air7
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007196 == l(1)air72
*a In(1)HF380
*z FBab0010257
*B 9E7-8;20A4-5
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against sesB (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits sesB
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0015437 == sesB4
*a In(1)HF382
*z FBab0010258
*B 7F1;20
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against lawc (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits lawc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007305 == lawcHF382
*a In(1)Hw496
*z FBab0003951
*B [>1B2]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against sc (citation unavailable)
*G sc << bk1
*a In(1)JA120
*z FBab0010262
*B 7B3;11A3-5
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001996 == ctJA120
*a In(1)JC107
*z FBab0010263
*B 6A1-2;7C6-7
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)7Cc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007243 == l(1)7Cc2
*a In(1)JC27
*z FBab0010264
*B 7D18-21;20
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Dm
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007295 == l(1)7Dm6
*a In(1)N84
*z FBab0010265
*B 6E1-2;8B4-7
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)6Ea (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)6Ea
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007081 == l(1)6Ea1
*a In(1)pch20
*z FBab0022613
*i l(1)HC246
*B 1A4;4C9-4C10
*C Inversion
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0013597 == pch20
*a In(1)RA49
*z FBab0010266
*B 7A1-2;80
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007126 == l(1)7Aa6
*a In(1)S41
*z FBab0010267
*B 5D7-8;6D7-8
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)6Df
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007077 == l(1)6Df1
*a In(1)S6
*z FBab0010268
*B 7B3;8C1-2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0002099 == ctS6
*a In(1)wwmLwm51bR
*z FBab0004279
*q Deletes or disrupts bb
*a In(1)Z1
*z FBab0004084
*B 1A;3D
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a In(2L)eya
*z FBab0010494
*B 22D;34B
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits cli
*A FBal0028035 == clieya-1
*a In(2L)tkv-SZ4
*z FBab0004697
*B 25D1-5;40
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against tkv (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << tkv << bk2
*a In(2R)102
*z FBab0004916
*B 41A;57A
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a In(2R)SD1rv1
*z FBab0005067
*i In(2R)SD-rev1
*B 48A3;59C3
*C Inversion
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a In(2R)vghR
*z FBab0010280
*B [49D1-49D6]
*C Inversion
*c All limits from complementation mapping against vg (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits vg
*w Reck, 1937.
*o spontaneous
*A FBal0017890 == vghR
*a In(3L)emc15
*z FBab0010283
*B 61D1-2;64
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against emc (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits emc
*w Ellis.
*o X ray
*A FBal0003690 == emc15
*a In(3L)emc16
*z FBab0010284
*B 61D1-2;80F
*C ??? Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against emc (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits emc
*w Ellis.
*o X ray
*A FBal0003691 == emc16
*a In(3L)emc17
*z FBab0010285
*B 61D1-2;62C
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against emc (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits emc
*w Ellis.
*o X ray
*A FBal0003692 == emc17
*a In(3L)St
*z FBab0026914
*B 66C;70F
*c All limits from polytene analysis (FBrf0028754)
*a In(3LR)h31
*z FBab0010290
*B 66D10;85B5-C12
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against h (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits h
*w Nusslein-Volhard.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0005348 == h31
*a In(3LR)iab4,5-849
*z FBab0010291
*B 76F;89E2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against abd-A (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits abd-A
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000104 == abd-Aiab4,5-849
*a In(3LR)iab4-186
*z FBab0010292
*B 73D-73F;89E2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against abd-A (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits abd-A
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000101 == abd-Aiab4-186
*a In(3LR)iab5-771
*z FBab0010293
*B 69E-69F;89E3
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Abd-B (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Abd-B
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000115 == Abd-Biab5-771
*a In(3LR)Ubx16K
*z FBab0010288
*B 79D;89E1-2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Ubx
*w Ramey.
*o X ray
*A FBal0017366 == Ubx16K
*u same data as for In(3LR)Ubx16R, may be same aberration
*a In(3LR)UbxB300
*z FBab0010289
*B 61F-62A;89E1-2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Ubx
*w Bacher, Jan. 1966.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0017450 == UbxB300
*a In(3R)Cbxl1
*z FBab0005566
*B 89A;89E1-2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Ubx
*A FBal0028582 == UbxCbx-l1
*s Right breakpoint between 103 and 110 kb to the left of the
*s right breakpoint of In(3R)Cbxrv1.
*a In(3R)Cbxl2
*z FBab0005567
*B 87E-87F;89E1-2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Ubx
*A FBal0028583 == UbxCbx-l2
*s Right breakpoint between 103 and 110 kb to the left of the
*s right breakpoint of In(3R)Cbxrv1.
*a In(3R)Chal4
*z FBab0010296
*B 91C7;93B-93D
*C Inversion
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against Cha (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits Cha
*w Myers and Gelbart.
*o &ggr; ray
*A FBal0001606 == Chal4
*a In(3R)iab3-999
*z FBab0010305
*B 68F;89E2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against abd-A (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits abd-A
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000095 == abd-Aiab3-999
*a In(3R)iab4-3110
*z FBab0010306
*B 81F;89E2
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against abd-A (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits abd-A
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000103 == abd-Aiab4-3110
*a In(3R)iab5-198
*z FBab0010307
*B 89A;89E3
*C Inversion
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Abd-B (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Abd-B
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000113 == Abd-Biab5-198
*a In(3R)kar6l
*z FBab0010308
*B [<87D1];[>87C7]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against kar (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << kar << bk2
*A FBal0005663 == kar6l
*a In(3R)Ubx7M
*z FBab0010300
*B [<89E2];[>89E1]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Ubx << bk2
*w Lewis, March 1964.
*o X ray
*A FBal0017355 == Ubx7M
*a In(3R)Ubx8N
*z FBab0010301
*B [<89E2];[>89E1]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Ubx << bk2
*w Lewis, March 1964.
*o X ray
*A FBal0017360 == Ubx8N
*a In(3R)UbxKM22
*z FBab0028163
*B 88F;89E1-2
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Ubx
*a T(1;2)A86
*z FBab0010311
*B 8A3-5;34B
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)8Ad
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007345 == l(1)8Ad1
*a T(1;2)A92
*z FBab0010312
*B 11A5-6;37B
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)11Ae
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*R Induced with @T(1;3)A92@.
*A FBal0006167 == l(1)11Ae2
*a T(1;2)ctC75
*z FBab0010503
*B 7B3;35C
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001951 == ctC75
*a T(1;2)gR1
*z FBab0006128
*B 12B6-7;58C1-2
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against g (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits g
*A FBal0028202 == gR1
*a T(1;2)GA86
*z FBab0010316
*B 7B3;42A-42B
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001973 == ctGA86
*a T(1;2)GE208
*z FBab0010317
*B 7F;41
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Fc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007322 == l(1)7Fc1
*a T(1;2)GE255
*z FBab0010318
*B 7F-8A;10A1-4;20;50B
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)10Bb
*N 1Lt - 7F | 20 - 10A4 | 50B - 2Lt ; 1Rt | 8A - 10A | 50B - 2Rt
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006001 == l(1)10Bb2
*a T(1;2)GF319
*z FBab0010319
*y FBab0010385
*i Tp(1;2)GF319
*B 8A1;9A3;10A5;32B
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from complementation mapping against Hsp60 (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 4 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)8Aa << bk3 hits Hsp60
*N 1Lt - 7F | 9A3 - 10A | 8A - 9A3 | 32B - 2Rt ; 2Lt - 32B | 10A - 1Rt
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0005928 == Hsp60GF319
*A FBal0007335 == l(1)8Aa3
*a T(1;2)HA8
*z FBab0010320
*B 7D14-22;57A
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Dm (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Dm
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007292 == l(1)7Dm3
*a T(1;2)HC290
*z FBab0010321
*B 6F;40-41
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)6Fb
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007119 == l(1)6Fb1
*a T(1;2)JA134
*z FBab0010322
*B 7B3;32F-33A
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001998 == ctJA134
*a T(1;2)JA62
*z FBab0010323
*B 8A3;41E
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits oc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007344 == l(1)8Ab3
*a T(1;2)JC68
*z FBab0010324
*B <8A2;41
*C Translocation
*c Right limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)8Aa (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)8Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007337 == l(1)8Aa5
*a T(1;2)JC79
*z FBab0010325
*B 11A5-6;83C-83D
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)11Ae
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006171 == l(1)11Ae6
*a T(1;2)L61
*z FBab0010326
*B 1A5;32F1-2
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)1Ac
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006353 == l(1)1Ac13
*a T(1;2)RA4
*z FBab0010327
*B 7B3;32E1-2
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0002096 == ctRA4
*a T(1;2)RC35
*z FBab0010328
*B 7A3;49A1-5
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007128 == l(1)7Aa8
*a T(1;2)RF42
*z FBab0010329
*B 7A1-2;19F6;21-40
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from complementation mapping against mst (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits mst
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006339 == mst5
*a T(1;2;3)JE57
*z FBab0010335
*B 5C-5D;10A;13B;14B;22A;73F;77A
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)10Ah
*N 1Lt - 5C | 73F - 77A | 22A - 2Rt ; 1Rt - 14B | 13B - 14B | 10A - 13B | 10A - 5D | 77A - 3Lt ; 2Lt - 22A | 73F - 3Rt
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0005990 == l(1)10Ah1
*a T(1;2;3)RA75
*z FBab0010336
*B 10A5;100;41
*C Cyclic translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against Hsp60 (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits Hsp60
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0005929 == Hsp60RA75
*a T(1;3)A92
*z FBab0010337
*B 5A7;100
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*R Induced with @T(1;2)A92@.
*a T(1;3)emc19
*z FBab0010373
*B 5B5-9;61D1-2
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against emc (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits emc
*w Ellis.
*o X ray
*A FBal0003694 == emc19
*a T(1;3)fs(1)h7
*z FBab0010354
*B 7D5-22;75C1-D1
*C Translocation
*c Left limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against fs(1)h (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G fs(1)h << bk1
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0004284 == fs(1)h7
*a T(1;3)GA41
*z FBab0010339
*B 95A;98E-98F;7C
*C Inversion-cum-translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Cg (citation unavailable)
*G bk3 hits l(1)7Cg
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007249 == l(1)7Cg1
*a T(1;3)GA75
*z FBab0010340
*B 7A3;83E
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007123 == l(1)7Aa3
*a T(1;3)h46
*z FBab0010355
*B [];[66D10]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against h (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits h
*w del Prado.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0005363 == h46
*a T(1;3)HC280
*z FBab0010341
*B 4A;7F1;80-81
*C Inversion-cum-translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Nrg (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Nrg
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0013166 == Nrgl1
*a T(1;3)HF347
*z FBab0010342
*B 2B12-18;91
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)2Bj (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)2Bj
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006667 == l(1)2Bj4
*a T(1;3)HF379
*z FBab0010343
*B 1B9;h26-h34;67B;69A
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)1Bg (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 4 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)1Bg
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006431 == l(1)1Bg3
*a T(1;3)JC56
*z FBab0010344
*B 1A5;66C1
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)1Ac
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006355 == l(1)1Ac15
*a T(1;3)JE53
*z FBab0010345
*B 5A7;7A6;86D
*C Inversion-cum-translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from complementation mapping against l(1)air7 (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)air7
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007198 == l(1)air74
*a T(1;3)L54
*z FBab0010346
*B 7B3;96A
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0002028 == ctL54
*a T(1;3)lfl5
*z FBab0006455
*B 19F1-2;20
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against lfl (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits lfl
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0011638 == lfl5
*a T(1;3)RF46
*z FBab0010347
*B 7A1-4;80-81
*C Translocation
*c Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Aa (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)7Aa
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007131 == l(1)7Aa11
*a T(1;3)RF53
*z FBab0010348
*B 3E1;80
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)3Ec
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007046 == l(1)3Ec2
*a T(1;3)RF56
*z FBab0010349
*B 11A2;15B;34A;38C;69C-69D;77E-77F;81;88E-88F
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against nbA (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 4 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 5 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 6 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 7 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 8 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits nbA
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0006143 == nbARF56
*a T(1;3)S20
*z FBab0010350
*B 7B3;84
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0002100 == ctS20
*a T(1;4)A28
*z FBab0010360
*B 1F3;7D14-22;>102
*C Inversion-cum-translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against l(1)7Dm (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits l(1)7Dm
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007290 == l(1)7Dm1
*a T(1;?)DF917
*z FBab0010362
*B 1D4
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits l(1)1Dc
*w Lefevre.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*A FBal0006485 == l(1)1Dc6
*a T(1;?)z-+E1
*z FBab0006570
*B 3C1-3
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(1;A)JA69
*z FBab0010363
*B 19E8;21-100
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against unc (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits unc
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0017600 == unc14
*a T(1;Y)P11LJ
*z FBab0006855
*B 18E1-19D1;h18-h25
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(2;3)emc12
*z FBab0010372
*B 52;61D1-2
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against emc (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits emc
*w Ellis.
*o X ray
*A FBal0003689 == emc12
*a T(2;3)iab3-2576
*z FBab0010376
*B 51D-51E;89E2
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against abd-A (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits abd-A
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000096 == abd-Aiab3-2576
*a T(2;3)iab5,6-1881
*z FBab0010377
*B 30D-30E;89E3
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Abd-B (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Abd-B
*w Lewis.
*o X ray
*O In(3R)1000
*A FBal0000117 == Abd-Biab5,6-1881
*a T(2;3)mam35
*z FBab0008004
*B 50C20-23;67
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against mam (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits mam
*w Schrons.
*o X ray
*A FBal0012043 == mam35
*a T(2;3)PC11-29
*z FBab0007714
*B 34C;80-81
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*w L.V. Omel'ianchuk.
*a T(2;3)scx2
*z FBab0008042
*B 41C1-2;98C-98D
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(2;3)TE58Ba
*z FBab0007806
*i T(2;3)TE280
*B 58B;66A
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(2;3)Ubx757
*z FBab0010367
*i Ubx31616.757
*B [<89E2];[>89E1]
*c All limits from complementation mapping against Ubx (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 << Ubx << bk2
*w R.H. Baker, Aug. 1984.
*o X ray
*A FBal0017413 == Ubx757
*a T(2;4)F4-1R3
*z FBab0008136
*B 57A4-B1;>101
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from complementation mapping against exu (citation unavailable)
*c Left limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits exu
*A FBal0028183 == exuF4
*a T(Y;2)KW
*z FBab0008599
*B h1-h25;38C1
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(Y;2)w45-78g
*z FBab0023185
*a T(Y;3)1Ac+
*z FBab0008816
*B h1-h17;83B
*C Translocation
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a T(Y;3)AntpNs-rvC10
*z FBab0010380
*B h1-h25;84B1
*C Translocation
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against Antp (citation unavailable)
*G bk2 hits Antp
*w Struhl.
*o ethyl methanesulfonate
*O AntpNs
*R Revertant
*A FBal0000611 == AntpNs-rvC10
*a Tp(1;2)GA50
*z FBab0010384
*i l(1)GA50
*B 3C1;7D22;26A
*C Unoriented insertional transposition
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0007291 == l(1)7Dm2
*a Tp(1;3)HF357
*z FBab0010387
*B 7B3;20;75A
*C Unoriented insertional transposition
*c Left limit of break 1 from non-inclusion of ct (citation unavailable)
*c Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of ct (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk1 hits ct
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0001979 == ctHF357
*a Tp(1;3)JF6
*z FBab0010388
*B 3C12;9D-9E;10B7-12;11A7;15B-15C;20A4;64B
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk3 hits l(1)10Aj
*N 1Lt - 3C12 | 20A4 - 1Rt
*w Lefevre.
*o X ray
*A FBal0005992 == l(1)10Aj1
*u Insertion rearrangement not identified.
*a Tp(2;3)108
*z FBab0009796
*B 37;52D;80-81
*C Unoriented insertional transposition
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a Tp(3;2)Dl9
*z FBab0009974
*B 21A;89D-89E;92A2;94A;100F
*c Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 3 from complementation mapping against Dl (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 4 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*c Limits of break 5 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk3 hits Dl
*N 2Lt - 21A | (89E - 92B) | 21A - 2Rt ; 3Lt - 89D | 92C - 94A | 100F - 94A | 100F - 3Rt
*a Tp(3;3)kar51
*z FBab0010055
*B 86D;90F
*C Unoriented insertional transposition
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a Tp(3;3)SM36
*z FBab0027870
*B 66C;71E;95C
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*a Tp(?;1)v306
*z FBab0010390
*y FBal0007912
*i l(1)v306
*B [];[];1B-1E
*C Unoriented insertional transposition
*c All limits from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)
*G bk3 hits l(1)v306
*o X ray
*R Selected as X chromosomes lethal or semilethal in X0 males, but viable in XY males.
*V position-effect variegation for: l(1)v306
*p viability XY: .78
*p X0 male lethal
*p XY male fertile
*a Ts(1Lt;4Lt)wm258-18D+Ts(1Rt;4Rt)N264-12P
*z FBab0023331
*o segregation
*O T(1;4)wm258-18
*O T(1;4)N264-12
*a Ts(YSt;3Lt)J116+Ts(Y;3Rt)R128
*z FBab0023351
*q Deletes or disrupts pll
*q Deletes or disrupts fop

Please mail any data corrections or updates to: