# load chado_heterochromatin r3.2 postgres db # using FlyBase-NG/ARGOS distribution of software # if need be start postgres # set shell env and path for postgres command line use # check postgres db contents psql -l # load in new chado postgres dump set dbfile=chado_dmel_h_r3_2b set dbname=dmelhet_r32b_chado set dbnote='flybase heterochromatin annot. r3.2b 25oct04' # put data dump somewhere ... rsync rsync://flybase.net/flybaseftp/genomes/Drosophila_melanogaster/current_hetchr/pgsql/$dbfile.gz . -au & # put pg data indices into pre-defined location createdb $dbname "$dbnote" # load in data (zcat $dbfile.gz | psql -d $dbname -f - )>& log.chload & # final step to clean up, make db as speedy as possible vacuumdb -d $dbname --full --analyze --echo