Most of the relationships, facts, and figures on this page where obtained from:
        Lemeunier, F., J.R. David, L. Tsacas, and M. Ashburner. "The melanogaster species group." The Genetics and Biology of Drosophila. Ed. M. Ashburner, H.L. Carson, and J.N. Thompson, Jr.  New York: New York  Academic Press, 1986.  147-256.

                                                                   D. tsacasi, D. kikkawai, and D. burlai male genetalia

                                                                   D. quadraria, D. serrata, and D. megapyga male genetalia

                                                    Distribution of the Afrotropical species of the montium subgroup


Last updated: 1/16/2000 bakouecomplex