
Most of the relationships, facts, and figures on this page where obtained from:
        Lemeunier, F., J.R. David, L. Tsacas, and M. Ashburner. "The melanogaster species group." The Genetics and Biology of Drosophila. Ed. M. Ashburner, H.L. Carson, and J.N. Thompson, Jr.  New York: New York  Academic Press, 1986.  147-256.

                                                                   D. tsacasi, D. kikkawai, and D. burlai male genetalia

                                                                   D. quadraria, D. serrata, and D. megapyga male genetalia

                                                                      D. kikkawai, D. burlai,D. biauraria, and D. serrata male sexcombs


                                                    Distribution of the Afrotropical species of the montium subgroup


     Distribution of the Oriental species of the montium subgroup    Distribution of the Australasian and Oriental species of the montium subgroup

Last updated: 4/17/00 montiumsubgroupnikananucomplexbocqueticomplexmontiumsubgroupkikkawaicomplexmontiumsubgroupmontiumsubgroup