FLYBASE SERVICE STATISTICS For server: For time period Aug1996 TO Sep1996 Transactions During Summary Period 15189 Average Monthly Transactions 7594 (Transaction includes file and file subrange fetches, and index searches.) Top 10 Most Popular Sections Percent of Section Transactions Transactions ---------------------------- ------------ ------------ genes 2191 14.42 docs 1796 11.82 maps 1716 11.30 pix 1699 11.19 stocks 1324 8.72 refs 1274 8.39 alt-views 1248 8.22 people 945 6.22 images 656 4.32 root.html 387 2.55 Monthly Transaction Statistics Number Of Percent Of Month Transactions Transactions --------------- ------------ ------------ Aug1996 2107 13.87 Sep1996 13082 86.13 Transaction Statistics by protocol Number Of Percent Of Protocol Transactions Transactions --------------- ------------ ------------ HTTP 15002 98.77 Gopher 187 1.23 Total Transfer Amount By Domain Percent of Domain Name Transactions Transactions ----------------------------------- ------------ ------------ US Educational 9065 59.68 unresolved 4178 27.51 other North America 351 2.31 Organizations 336 2.21 Other domains 257 1.69 US Commercial 218 1.44 France 143 0.94 U.K. 124 0.82 Other western Europe 95 0.63 Israel and Middle East 88 0.58 Germany 74 0.49 Japan 69 0.45 South America 56 0.37 India 40 0.26 US Government 33 0.22 Spain 30 0.20 Asia 23 0.15 Finland/Sweden/Norway 7 0.05 Australia/New Zealand 2 0.01