FLYBASE STATISTICS For the month 9811 For all mirrors For all users For all files/directories ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | Access Period +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 418431| 100.0 | 9811 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | Access Type +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 405841| 97.0 | WWW/HTML | 12590| 3.0 | Gopher ===================================================================== ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | FlyBase Mirror +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 255256| 61.0 | U.S. Indiana | 59568| 14.2 | U.S. Harvard | 57542| 13.8 | U.K. | 31942| 7.6 | Japan | 7908| 1.9 | France | 6215| 1.5 | Australia ===================================================================== ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | User Domain +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 128138| 30.6 | US Educational | 105477| 25.2 | Unresolved | 36497| 8.7 | U.K. | 27754| 6.6 | Japan | 20797| 5.0 | US Commercial | 18490| 4.4 | US Organizations | 17207| 4.1 | Germany | 17093| 4.1 | Other North America | 9624| 2.3 | France | 6609| 1.6 | Other Western Europe | 4929| 1.2 | Finland/Sweden/Norway | 4250| 1.0 | Australia/New Zealand | 3930| 0.9 | Spain | 3154| 0.8 | Switzerland | 2457| 0.6 | Eastern Europe & FSU | 2152| 0.5 | US Government | 9873| 2.4 | Other ===================================================================== ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | Server Section +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 122438| 29.3 | Search (unresolved) | 50916| 12.2 | Genes | 35475| 8.5 | Interactive Fly | 35164| 8.4 | Maps and Images | 33028| 7.9 | Stocks | 18669| 4.5 | /.bin/ | 17231| 4.1 | Documents | 15290| 3.7 | References | 14248| 3.4 | News | 13388| 3.2 | People | 10726| 2.6 | Transposons | 4794| 1.1 | Aberrations | 4412| 1.1 | Clones | 2305| 0.6 | Allied Data | 1790| 0.4 | /alt-views/ | 826| 0.2 | /seqs/ | 255| 0.1 | /Prefs/ | 151| 0.0 | /.data/ | 135| 0.0 | /genome-projects/ | 74| 0.0 | /7/ | 62| 0.0 | /1/ | 95| 0.0 | Other ===================================================================== ===================================================================== | Hits | Share,% | Server Object +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------- | 89521| 21.4 | /.bin/fbidq.html | 35506| 8.5 | / | 15897| 3.8 | /.bin/asksrs.html | 13832| 3.3 | /.bin/fbgenq | 12018| 2.9 | /.bin/fbquery | 9055| 2.2 | /.bin/fbgrmap | 8496| 2.0 | /genes/ | 7594| 1.8 | /.bin/fbgenq.html | 7285| 1.7 | /.bin/fbstoq | 7104| 1.7 | /.bin/fbstor.html | 6173| 1.5 | /.bin/fbstoq.html | 4919| 1.2 | /.bin/fbrefq.html | 4014| 1.0 | /.bin/fbpeoq | 3993| 1.0 | /stocks/ | 3568| 0.9 | /.bin/fbgenrs | 3459| 0.8 | /.bin/fbcytosearchquery.html | 3239| 0.8 | /.bin/fbsymq.html | 3116| 0.7 | /maps/ | 3052| 0.7 | /genes/fbgquery.hform | 2903| 0.7 | /people/ | 2572| 0.6 | /.bin/fbpeoq.html | 2463| 0.6 | /.bin/fbpeor | 2410| 0.6 | /images/ | 2282| 0.5 | /refs/ | 2234| 0.5 | /maps/fbgrmap.html | 2232| 0.5 | /search/ | 2181| 0.5 | /.bin/fbpickmap | 2153| 0.5 | /.bin/fbtransq.html | 2144| 0.5 | /.bin/fbrefaq.html | 2020| 0.5 | /.bin/fbhelp | 1904| 0.5 | /.bin/cytosearch.html | 149092| 35.6 | Other =====================================================================